Encuestas académicas UJED


Full-stack Developer


BEM, SASS, JavaScript, Laravel, MySQL, Bitbucket, Trello






Act as Full-stack and develop a website inspired by Google Forms, empowering users to craft flexible surveys with various question types, section customization, and real-time result visualization on a dashboard. The platform was accessed by 2,000 users.


Gather post-graduation career data from alumni through diverse surveys featuring various question formats. Interpret the collected data, presenting it in graphical format, and making it available for download as an Excel file. These results hold significance as they inform University decision-making and aid in reporting scholarship outcomes to the government.


The project aimed to optimize the institution's website. Initiated this process by analyzing Google Forms answers surveys to assess stakeholder needs. To ensure data accuracy and relevance, we integrated data from students through an API from an Oracle database, particularly as the data was originally stored in a separate project. Furthermore, we tailored survey questions based on each student's bachelor program and their information.


A robust website was originally developed for postgraduate students, which was subsequently expanded to include bachelor students, ultimately attracting around 2,000 students. This platform serves as a valuable resource for gathering pertinent data about their professional trajectories post-graduation, thereby offering a foundational tool for informed decision-making within the university, enabling the assessment of academic and career achievements.