Snail Fashion


Front-end Developer


ReactJS, Kaggle, Amazon Comprehend






Implemented a React JS front-end based on a Figma prototype for an Amazon Comprehend plugin in a Startup México Hackathon. It analyzes reviews to highlight factors like material quality, brand authenticity, and comfort, promoting conscious buying and reducing fast fashion consumption.


The primary goal of the project was to address the thoughtless consumerism associated with e-commerce shopping, which often disregards the potential harm to the environment. To tackle this issue, we created an Amazon plugin that leverages review analysis and statistical data to help buyers make informed and conscientious purchasing decisions.


One of the most significant challenges we faced was participating in a Hackathon where we had to work closely with mentors. Our task involved proficiently analyzing the project's core issue and translating it into user-friendly interfaces while ensuring the correct utilization of APIs. Additionally, since the event was entirely online, effective communication with the team presented another formidable challenge.


In response to the Startup México Hackathon challenge, we've achieved success by seamlessly implementing a React JS front-end in alignment with the Figma prototype. Our innovative Amazon Comprehend plugin excels at dissecting product reviews, highlighting key factors like material quality, brand authenticity, and comfort. This empowering tool is designed to promote conscious consumer choices, directly contributing to the reduction of fast fashion consumption. Our solution proudly combines technology and sustainability, enabling e-commerce shoppers to make more enlightened decisions